Martin Lewis from says: "You can only set up a Lasting Power of Attorney when you have mental capacity. Once you've lost capacity, it's too late!"
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Discover All You Need To Know About What A Lasting Power Of Attorney Is And Why You Need One Before It's Too Late!
It's not always easy to admit that you or someone you care about is getting old or that your health is beginning to deteriorate.
However, it is important to put arrangements in place now so that when the time comes the person chosen by you (and not some stranger from social services) can arrange the right healthcare and financial support necessary for your needs - and, just as importantly, according to your wishes.
One person in the UK develops dementia every three minutes. Yet their relatives can't just take over their bank account, even if it is to provide for their care. Unless you've a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), your family will need to apply to the courts, which can be costly and take many months.
Of course, making a Lasting Power of Attorney is one thing. But what happens afterwards?
Often it leads to stress, worry and uncertainty for you and your attorney(s). And that's why we have developed a unique and complete solution that we know you will absolutely love - and for no extra cost.
Just like in the Marks and Sparks TV ads:
This is not just an LPA...
This is Will Drafters' LPA Plus
Here's What's Included In Will Drafters' LPA Plus:
LPA - Property & Finance: Legal document drafted for you to give someone chosen by you the power to help manage your finances and make decisions on your behalf
LPA - Health & Welfare: Another document drafted for you so that the person or people of your choice can make health and welfare decisions on your behalf when you can no longer communicate your wishes.
Avoid LPA Form Errors With Our Unique 'Easy Checklist': You and everyone named in your LPAs must review & sign 2 long forms in very strict order. You could spend hours reading & worrying over this or you could take our shortcut and enjoy peace of mind by simply following step-by-step our unique LPA Plus 'Easy Checklist'
2 'Certified Copies' of your Property & Finance LPA (Signature Ready): Avoid the major inconvenience, stress, time delay and extra cost of losing the original. Simply sign and date 1 'certified copy' or 2 - thereafter accepted by all institutions as if it was the original. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your original LPAs are always somewhere safe.
Telephone Helpline For New Attorneys: Includes help and advice for your attorneys on all the do's and don'ts of acting for you
Getting Started As An Attorney Video Guide: Essential short videos, links and PDF's to help your attorneys get started - with better understanding that will help them avoid making mistakes
Bonus 1: Single or Joint Standard Will - for you or someone you know: Having a Will means that what you own goes to those you care most about and not to those chosen by the government
Bonus 2: Guide To Making An Advance Decision ('Living Will'): Essential short explainer videos with interviews and a link to a form for easy, self-completion say:
"You can use a lasting power of attorney to plan for when you no longer have capacity to make your own decisions, and to make sure that these decisions are handled by someone you trust"
Will Drafters Ltd was formed in 1990 by David Crossland and Michelle Hanover, the two joint owners and directors of Will Drafters.
To date Will Drafters, with over 25 staff, has written over 100,000 Wills for customers throughout the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) as well as for UK expatriates stationed around the world.
Will Drafters, in addition to providing our unique LPA Plus service also has a thriving probate department which offers a range of probate services to the bereaved – to Will customers and to others introduced to them by affiliates and through Will Drafters advertising on the internet and in other places.